Sunday 11 January 2009

catching up

I'm coping well considering the madness with work at Christmas, I knew I wouldn't be sat wondering which picture to do next in the New Year- having 5 commissions in January alone is pretty good. But what comes next? I only started back at the mill officially last week, having had a couple of days off in between. It's been so quiet there recently, I was informed Januarys usually are but surely not this quiet!...

I was slightly peeved that I had to reduce many of my pictures for almost £50 considering the work that has gone into them, they're all framed and mounted the mill takes their cut too, and it's a damm big cut! If I could sell a couple a week I would probably make a profit but at the moment I'm doing squat, good thing the commissions are in the bag and still getting plenty of interest which is very suprising! I just need to sell a few more off the wall then I'll be sitting pretty.

It's been so quiet without Dan around, starting to really miss him now. Having not seen him for almost 8 weeks! We missed him terrible at Christmas but now we know it is the job situation for him that's stopping him coming to see us. Deep down we just want him home.

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