You'd think I'd have forgotten this thing but to be perfectly honest I've been trying to customise it..more of a personal touch, unfortunately no such luck. I've been hectic since Christmas! Speaking of Christmas I havn't even posted since then! Crikey, shame on me!
We had a very relaxing Yuletide, doing absolutely nothing for about 4 weeks, the snow was to blame for most of it! Despite Mum being pretty ill on Xmas day we had a good day. Poor dad ended up doing the dinner, he did a damm ace job too ;-) while me a Dan played with our gifts. I was made up with The Beatles Rockband and Dan with his Nintendo DS..good ol' muth and fath!
To cut a long story short here is our Xmas/New Year routine rolled into a few lines of type:
xmas day: eat, drink, entertainment, eat, sleep, feel sick, drink, eat, doze, eat, sleep
boxing day: eat, drink, entertainment, eat, drink, chill, entertainment, eat, sleep
next few days: eat, drink, SALE SHOP! (We managed to squeeze that in despite the snow) eat, chill, play, drink, purchase new years eve outfit, party, visits from gramps, more eats, sleep....
new years eve: eat, drink, prep outfit, shower, make up, hair, dress then PARTY TIME!